miercuri, 31 august 2011

And so I'm back, with fire

Inapoi dupa multa multa multa mare. Mi se pare asa ciudat, ca parca oricat de mult as fi plecata, imi amintesc perfect orasul, stiu strazile, stiu gara, semafoarele, oamenii.

A fost o saptamana ... in care nu s-a intamplat nimic monumental, si totusi s-a intamplat.

This is for the things that will always drive me crazy for no aparent reason.

vineri, 19 august 2011

You know what they say

Schimbi designul, schimbi norocul.

Here's to it!

This is for never losing the ability to dance around, regardless of the level of stupidity you are displaying.